* Indirect calorimetry (continuous VO2, VCO2)
* Accurate measurement of Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) & Metabolism substrate (RQ, FAT, CHO, PRO)
* Ideal for either Spontaneously Breathing subjects or Mechanically Assisted patients
* Available with Canopy & Disposable face masks
Analyzers Oxygen (O2) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Type Paramagnetic NDIR
Range 0-100 % 0-10 %
Accuracy ± 0.03% ± 0.03%
Response time
Warm-up time 0 min 5 min
Type Bi-directional digital turbine (Ψ 18 mm)
Range 0-50l/min
Accuracy ±2%
Dimensions & weight (Quark RMR unit) 17 x 30 x 45 cm/8 Kg
Dimensions & weight (Canopy) 16l/0.6 Kg
Standard Packaging Includes
Quark RMR unit, Canopy, RMR flowmeter, RMR disposable masks, antibacterial filters, PC software RMR, calibration syringe, Polar®
HR monitor (receiver & transmitter), power supply cable, USB cable, user manual
Available languages
Italian, English, French, Spanish and German
Electrical requirements
Quark RMR unit 110-240V ±10%; 50/60Hz
Internal emergency battery 12V; 1,2 Ah
PC configuration required
PC Pentium or higher, Windows XP, 64 Mb RAM, USb or RS 232 , CD reader, 20 Mb space free on HD, Monitor VGA, SVGA, XGA
Safety & Quality Standards
Quark RMR is in compliance with the European Directive 93/42/CEE concerning medical devices.
Equipment complies with MDD (93/42 EEC) and FDA 510 (k)
The software is designed for Windows XP and compatible with VISTA.
Userfriendly interface, intuitive commands and icons are the perfect tools for fast and reliable data collection and interpretation in any hospital department or doctor’s office.
Complete patient archive, diagnosis database and customizable clinical reports
Automatic generation of PDF files with user-defined file names
Batch printing of multiple reports
Network compatible on any Microsoft network.
Quark RMR testing helps clinical nutritionists monitoring the nutritional status of ill subjects and preventing malnutrition to worsen the course of the disease and prolong hospitalization. Quark RMR testing additionally allows for the individuation of the energy substrate to improve through parenteral nutrition and evaluate the progresses in the therapy.
Quark RMR is a new generation meta-bolimeter for the measurement of Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) and energy substrate utilization through indirect calorimetry. Ease of use, functionality, high accuracy and afford ability make Quark RMR an indispensable instrument for the exact determination of the daily energy needs in critical patients.
Canopy hood is used for in-bed monitoring or testing comfortably seated in a couch. Indicated for long lasting measurements while sleeping and with grand obese subject.